Ciel de nuage

Tribute to Jacques GUERRIER

Jacques Guerrier

We learned with emotion and great sadness of the death at the age of 92 of Jacques Guerrier who worked with so much passion for Aviation Sans Frontières.

Upon his retirement as an engineer at the French Atomic Energy Commission, Jacques joined Aviation Sans Frontières as a volunteer.

His attraction to mechanics and piloting, his great availability and his dedication immediately made him render very great services in all the fields covered by our association. He became Secretary General from 1997 to 2000 and President in 2000 and 2001. During all these years in charge he had to manage several delicate situations.

In particular, a highlight of his presidency was the crash of our Cessna Caravan plane in Pimu, Congo. He left alone to join the local team in the bush. Thanks to very great efforts, he was able to recover a large number of parts of the irrecoverable aircraft abandoned on the spot. 

Jacques Guerrier had an affectionate attachment to our association. Surrounded by volunteers, he participated in the development of Aviation Sans Frontières.  We are grateful to him for that.   

Portraits of Aviation Sans Frontières volunteers.

Le super-constellation F-BRAD
Nous avons appris avec beaucoup de tristesse le décès d’André Gréard le 1er mai dernier.
Les raids de bombardement sur la région parisienne pendant la guerre 39-45 (j'habitais Clamart) et la possibilité de m'asseoir dans le cockpit d'un Spitfire, sur la place d'armes de La Rochelle quand j'avais une dizaine d'années, ont largement contribué à "l'éveil d'une vocation".
Deux feuilles blanches que le temps a commencé à jaunir. Deux pages à carreaux sur lesquelles il est inscrit la date, le trajet effectué, le prénom et l’âge de l’enfant convoyé. A peine posé, l’âme sans doute encore un peu dans la troposphère, assis dans un café du terminal 2F de l’aéroport de Paris - Roissy