
Escorting those forced to flee from danger
Wars, ethnic conflicts, and dramatic climate conditions can all be cited as reasons forcing refugees to flee their country of origin. Having arrived in a foreign and unknown land, they are gathered into suited refugee camps administered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other NGOs.
Stopping in such refugee camps can last for years due to the tedious procedures taking into consideration manifold criteria before any relocation decision may be issued. Most refugees accompanied to the United States, Northern Europe, or Australia have passed a minimum of ten years in one of such camps.
Aviation Sans Frontières intervenes when refugees depart from the camp to reach their new host country. The NGO provides the IOM with volunteer escorts to guide these travellers, support and take care of them.
Aviation Sans Frontières volunteers take care of young children, families, or disabled refugees who cannot travel alone.
An average mission is generally 5 days long, and the number of accompanied refugees can considerably fluctuate, from a single individual to a 60 people group.
Since the beginning of these operations in 2007, more than 15,000 refugees were accompanied by Aviation Sans Frontières volunteers.
In 2019, 55 Aviation Sans Frontières volunteers performed 180 escort missions and took care of 4,272 refugees eventually relocated to Europe (Germany, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden), as well as to Canada, to the United States, and Australia.
Refugees mainly originated from Niger, Turkey, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Egypt and were welcomed in host countries in Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Scandinavian countries), in the United States, Canada, and Australia.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Jean-Claude Guérin, Aviation Sans Frontières volunteer, head of the Escorting Refugees missions.
14 groups of Syrian refugees were taken care of aboard charter flights between Turkey and Germany.
Key Figures 2021
In cooperation with IOM, accompany refugees from the camp to their new land of refuge.