
Escorting children on their way to recovery
Children are accompanied by our volunteer escorts on regular commercial flights, and once they have been treated, they are returned safe and healed to their families.
As some children are transported while being in a critical condition, volunteers who carry out these missions must provide constant attention as well as an intense personal commitment.
In order to plan and organise all missions, a team of 10 volunteers at the Aviation Sans Frontières headquarters takes daily turns so as to ensure a strict continuity of the mission all year round.
Every mission costs an average of €300, necessary to obtain a visa and a one-way ticket for the volunteer. As of consequence, a complete round-trip mission has a cost of €600.
As airline staff, Aviation Sans Frontières volunteers allow the organisation to benefit from preferential rates when purchasing airline tickets.
The NGO also accepts donations in Air Miles and American Express points.
Coming from 28 different countries, most of those benefiting from this mission are young children needing emergency medical assistance.
Families from Burkina Faso to Djibouti, from the Comoros to Moldavia entrust Aviation Sans Frontières volunteers so that their children can be welcomed and treated in France, Switzerland, Spain, or in the United States.
15 associations: Terre des Hommes, Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, La Chaîne de l’Espoir, Rencontres Africaines, Espoir pour un Enfant, Children’s Medical Mission, Sentinelles, Auvergne pour un Enfant, la Ribambelle, Healing the Children, Child Spring International, Association Amour Vivant, la Roquetaillade, Face Au Monde, the Red Cross of Monaco.
Danielle Dubreucque, Aviation Sans Frontières volunteer, head of the Escorting Sick Children mission.
On January 29th, 2019, Adiatou Zongo, only 5 years of age, boards on a flight to the United States with Annick, the volunteer escorting her. A very long journey awaited her to treat the orthopaedic problem she is suffering from.
At Aviation Sans Frontières, we all knew from experience what this diagnosis meant: much patience and much suffering before she would be able to stand up normally.
Yet, one year later, she was reunited with her family and bright with happiness.
To seek children in emergency care without adequate medical resources in their country