
By donating to Aviation Sans Frontières, you help our volunteers to make a difference for people struggling
Thanks to a donation of :
€35 (or €11.90 after-tax reduction*), you help in sending 37kg of essential medicine to vulnerable populations
€60 (or €21.40 after-tax reduction*), you help in sending a glass of milk every day for an entire year to a malnourished child
€80 (or €27.20 after-tax reduction*), you give the opportunity to a person with disabilities in France to be taken on a first flight experience
€160 (or €54.40 after-tax reduction*), you assist an aircrew composed of a pilot and a co-pilot in carrying out a two-day mission in Africa
€300 (or €102 after-tax reduction*), you help a child requiring emergency care to be treated in Europe
* If you are a tax-payer, 66% of your donation can be deducted from your income tax, within of limits of 20% of your taxable income. An annual tax receipt with all your donations will be sent to you in March of the year following the one during which you donated.
Aviation Sans Frontières operates according to a principle of transparency towards its donors: mailings and publications inform the public of its actions and practices.
The association is subject to regular internal (audit committee) and external controls to ensure that its missions are carried out correctly. The accounts are certified by an auditor and are published every year in the Journal Officiel.
In the interests of transparency, Aviation Sans Frontières is also committed to the IDEAS certification process. Organisations appealing to the public's generosity that meet a set of good practice guidelines covering governance, financial management, and the effectiveness of the action can obtain this label, which Aviation Sans Frontières received in 2013 and renewed in 2017.
> All about IDEAS