
Creating vocations in aeronautics
The e-Aviation programme was launched in 2007 aiming to present and promote the richness of aeronautic-related jobs and the studies leading to them to primary, secondary, and high-school students.
This programme also gives students the opportunity to experiment with virtual flying by learning about a flight simulator.
In addition, participants are given the opportunity to visit control towers, the Toussus-le-Noble Apprentice Training Centre (CFA) for aeronautical jobs, or the Airbus and ATR facilities in Toulouse.
Participants are also provided with a general presentation of Aviation Sans Frontières, of its social and humanitarian missions, as well as historical elements on aeronautics and technical explanations on the functioning of an aircraft.
The day ends with an overview of the professions of aeronautics.
Groups of young people are taken care of by associations providing social services or high school students accompanied by their teachers.
Microsoft, Aéroport de Paris (ADP), Saint Felix high school, in Nantes, Paris Jet Simulation, the Caen-Carpiquet Airport, Aix-en-Provence’s local mission, France VFR, Thrustmaster, and many others.
Alain Mérour, Aviation Sans Frontières volunteer, founder, and head of E-Aviation missions.
In order to be able to sensitize teenagers to the professions of the air