1er avion

Tribute to Annie, one of the pillars of Aviation Sans Frontières


We learned with emotion and great sadness of the passing at the age of 76 of Annie who worked with so much passion and dedication for Aviation Sans Frontières.

Upon her retirement as an accounting and management controller at Aéroports de Paris, Annie joined our association in 2006 as a volunteer.

A natural commitment for her who has always been passionate about airplanes. More precisely since the age of 3, when she saw the Americans arrive in Déols near the village where she lived... It was after the war, one day in 1949. She saw for the first time people from a country other than her own and also her first plane... She knew that this funny machine would have been her future... .. She discovered humanitarian work at the age of 10 with the writings of Dr. Schweitzer and Mother Teresa. These readings, which she will never forget, will accompany her throughout her personal journey ... 

At Aviation Sans Frontières, she was able to combine her two passions: aviation and humanitarian... She loved to hear the stories of mechanics and pilots when they returned from missions, or those of chaperones of sick children, with whom she shared the same commitment. 


Annie was just as attentive to the donors of Aviation Sans Frontières, for which she was responsible: "The donations we receive are not a due" - she liked to repeat - "Sometimes some people deprive themselves to support our actions, I admire them. "

We will miss Annie so much; We will only have to remember his smile, his kindness and his unfailing commitment. For all that it has been, for all that it has left us, may the earth be light to it,

Aviation Sans Frontières teams

Portraits of Aviation Sans Frontières volunteers.

This month Jean-Pierre, a volunteer with a heart as big as a cathedral, gives us his testimony
Il jongle entre nos missions de Messagerie Médicale et nos missions Accompagnements, découvrez le portrait de Jean-Pierre, bénévole au grand cœur d'Aviation Sans Frontières.
Ma liste de convoyage !
Pour sa première mission en tant qu'accompagnatrice d’enfants malades, Amandine est partie à Dakar. Elle nous raconte son expérience.
Pilot and astronaut appreciated by the general public, discover the reasons for his commitment and his message in the "By Solidarity" campaign.
« Moi j’ai choisi Aviation Sans Frontières, on commence aujourd’hui une aventure commune et je suis certain qu’elle nous emmènera très loin » Thomas Pesquet devient parrain d’Aviation Sans Frontières et valorise la solidarité à travers notre nouvelle campagne, originale et participative.