mission en ouganda

Aviation Sans Frontières is 32 years old!


Aviation Sans Frontières is 32 years old!.

For the record: Aviation Sans Frontières was officially born on March 4, 1980 in the form of an association under the law of 1901. The association was created by three airline pilots (André Gréard, Gérald Similowski and Alain Yout) to structure light aircraft missions. These allowed emergency services to enter landlocked areas, mainly by using volunteer mechanics and pilots.

But it all began in 1968, when some Air France pilots and flight engineers, deeply upset by the Biafra genocide, decided to lend their support to a survival operation by an airlift with a Super Constellation. Other similar operations were subsequently mounted in Bangladesh, the Sahel and Upper Volta (Burkina Faso).

mission en ouganda

Our Story

Les raids de bombardement sur la région parisienne pendant la guerre 39-45 (j'habitais Clamart) et la possibilité de m'asseoir dans le cockpit d'un Spitfire, sur la place d'armes de La Rochelle quand j'avais une dizaine d'années, ont largement contribué à "l'éveil d'une vocation".
mission en ouganda
Aviation Sans Frontières a 32 ans... Pour la petite histoire: Aviation Sans Frontières naît officiellement le 4 mars 1980 sous forme d’une association de loi 1901. L'association a été créée par trois pilotes de ligne (André Gréard, Gérald Similowski et Alain Yout) pour structurer les missions avions légers.