ulm en vol

An ULM for the future

ulm tout le monde


After several months of work, our young apprentices have won their bet: the microlight that they assembled with so much determination and effort, is finally ready for take-off on the runway of the Toulouse Lasbordes aerodrome. They will finally be able to take off on their own plane; For many of them, it will also be a first flight. For all of them, it is an important day that marks a first step towards their professional success.

Among many others, Gérard Feldzer was keen to be present that day because Les Ailes de l'Avenir is a project that he has followed closely and that is particularly close to his heart: "This success serves as an example to all young people who are struggling to find their way. The aim of this project is to give them a taste for learning through a practical and concrete pedagogy". (The 22/09/022)

Throughout the training, which lasted more than a year, the apprentices learned the different techniques of aeronautics (mechanics, metallurgy, electrical, painting, etc.) thanks to the volunteers of Aviation Sans Frontières, while following theoretical training provided by ARSEEA.  They also learned or relearned to work as a team, to communicate well with each other, to help each other, to follow a common/collective goal, like a real crew...

Mathilde Totaro, an engineer by training in industrial engineering, supervised the apprentices throughout this training site, over a period of one and a half years. For her, this experience was also very enriching: "I liked this transmission which taught me a lot about patience, rigor, interpersonal skills, the priorities of life... »


The pre-apprenticeship program, Les Ailes de l'Avenir, has successfully fulfilled its mission of supporting young people in their professional integration. Thus, of the 13 young people supported, 3 are currently employed, 2 are on an apprenticeship contract and 1 young person has resumed an adapted schooling in the Second Chance School. For others, they continue to work with the local Mission or Pôle Emploi branches near their homes to continue and refine their training and/or employment projects.

Ce premier projet de chantier-école a connu un si grand succès qu'un deuxième ULM est déjà en préparation depuis septembre avec un nouveau groupe de jeunes. « On travaille pour que le prochain ULM soit équipé d’un moteur électrique », conclut Gérald Feldzer. Les avions finalisés sont ensuite revendus afin de financer les formations à venir.

In Toulouse, the training is renewed for 2022-2023. Several new projects will be launched in the coming weeks in Marseille, then in the Paris region in collaboration with the Ecole de la Deuxième chance, a school association whose objective is to fight against school dropout through the development of practical and concrete professional projects.

The training sites and the purchase of the microlight aircraft are financed in part by the project leaders such as Safran (for the engine), Allianz, Aeronaus, Gifas, and Daher. At the end of each training, the microlight aircraft is resold to finance future training.

inaug. toulouse

News "The Wings of the Future".

BOEING partenaire des Ailes de l'Avenir
Boeing France et l’association Aviation Sans Frontières sont heureux d’annoncer la signature de leur partenariat dans le cadre du programme « Les Ailes de l’Avenir ». Cette initiative vise à accompagner des jeunes en décrochage scolaire vers l’insertion professionnelle grâce à un projet unique : la construction d’un aéronef biplace (ULM).
ulm en vol
After several months of work, our young apprentices have won their bet: the microlight that they assembled with so much determination and effort, is finally ready for take-off on the runway of the Toulouse Lasbordes aerodrome.
Alain Chevalier
Salarié chez Orange, Alain a décidé de rejoindre Aviation Sans Frontières pour deux années dans le cadre d'un mécénat de compétence. Son expérience et son sens de l’organisation, l’ont amené à travailler en transverse avec l'équipe des Partenariats et l’équipe Évènements. Découvrez son portrait !