Ailes solidaires- soignant à la descente de l'avion


The aeronautical family in support of caregivers

Aviation Sans Frontières' action in the air

From the start of the crisis, Aviation Sans Frontières mobilized the aeronautical community to provide logistical support to hospitals and caregivers throughout France. The humanitarian association, whose field of action is usually sub-Saharan Africa, offered the possibility for healthcare personnel to reach the hospital establishments where they were mainly expected in the regions of Grand Est and Ile de France.

To increase the efficiency of the system and improve its responsiveness, an online platform coupled with a team of air operations managers has been set up to connect caregivers and private aircraft operators, manufacturers business aviation and flight schools.

In total, more than 420 caregivers were transported free of charge to 65 destinations, mainly in France (60), but also in Switzerland, Luxembourg and as far as Great Britain.

Ailes solidaires- soignant à la descente de l'avion
bénévoler, une nouvelle forme de solidarité

In hospitals and EPHADs of Ile de France

In parallel with the transport of caregivers, Aviation Sans Frontières has also succeeded in an unprecedented mobilization of air hostesses and airline stewards, stopped from flying due to the pandemic. After specific training, these air transport professionals came to support hospital staff from the Assistance Publique and Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP). They intervened in reinforcement, in terms of the care of patients and their families, in the city circuit.

In hospitals and EHPADs in Île de France, these aviation professionals now provide valuable assistance for reception, support or prevention missions. They also participate in the missions of the COVISAN system set up at the request of the government, to stop the spread of the epidemic after the deconfinement. To date, there are still nearly 100 volunteers in the field.

Key figures

The results of the operations organized by Aviation Sans Frontières between April 7 and June 30, 2020.

• + 435 flight hours

• more than 300 stopovers (including set-ups)

• more than 420 passengers transported

• 26 different operators used

• 24 different aircraft types (from the Cirrus SR22 single-engine four-seater to the Dassault Falcon 8X business trijet)

• 65 airports used in France and abroad

More than 400 PNC and PS mobilized in health structures in Ile de France. 

Pilote mission covid
PNC PS Covid Aviation Sans Frontières
The world of aviation and that of health are getting closer and supporting each other. They have the same requirements, have no room for error, have continuous training and are at the service of others.

Gérard Feldzer, Aviation Sans Frontières president


Embarquement pour Mulhouse

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A medical package for a household for 1 month
icone -enfant
You allow a child to receive one meal a day, and support their schooling for a month