for Aviation Sans Frontières
Sharing and liking are also acting with Aviation Sans Frontières and making our actions known on social networks.
Follow us on our Twitter account @ONG_ASF to keep up to date with our news and latest missions.
Join our community on Facebook to exchange and keep you informed of our actions.
Collecting donations is an effective way to support Aviation Sans Frontières. To do so, you can use social networks or websites dedicated to fundraising campaigns.
Mobilise your friends and family on Facebook by creating a fundraising campaign for Aviation Sans Frontières for your birthday, for example. Click here to create a fundraiser on Facebook.
Raise money on Instagram by making a story with the donation sticker and choosing Aviation Sans Frontières in the suggested associations.
You can also create a crowdfunding campaign on dedicated websites.
Online donations have many advantages. Indeed, the transaction is secure. It is simple and environmentally friendly and also significantly reduces collection and postage costs.