Terminal 1 aéroport Roissy Charles de Gaulle Paris France

Le Groupe ADP soutient Aviation Sans Frontières plus particulièrement par la mise à disposition de locaux et de matériel.  (Orly, Roissy  et Toussus-le-Noble).

Partner Companies & Foundations

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Aéroport de Paris aérogare& logo
As a long-standing partner, the ADP group has been with us since the beginning of the adventure.
As a long-standing partner, the ADP group has been with us since the beginning of the adventure.
This particular branch of the French banking group has been generously supporting all the humanitarian missions of Aviation Sans Frontières for the past 8 years, in particular t
Bandeau ESA
most often referred to by its English acronym ESA, is an intergovernmental space agency coordinating space projects carried out jointly by twenty European countries.